
Posts Tagged ‘gay’

As Robbie Burns wrote in his poem regarding the mouse turned up by the plough (To A Mouse, on Turning Her Up in Her Nest, With The Plough), “the best-laid schemes o’ mice an’ men aft gang agley”. Many years ago (i.e. the mid 1970s) as a very young writer, armed with a B.A. in Journalism, I began what I hoped would be a career in writing.  And while there were early successes such as a volume of short stories published and two volumes of poetry published in addition to short-stories placed in various publications, the writing career was diverted by the intervention of life. The particular “plough” that disturbed my sod was a chance at careers in both music, and in the corporate business world, neither of which I can honestly say I regret.  However a devastating and debilitating illness intervened to put an end to the music career as the hands upon the instrument would no longer cooperate with what the brain was coaxing them to do,  and through a set of circumstances the Multiple Schlerosis also put an end to the business career.

There followed many years of searching for direction, and the feeling that somehow my particular muse had taken permanent flight, before somehow arriving at the place where I made the decision that it is (past) time to jumpstart the writing career again.

It came to me that after the ploughing comes the planting. So applying the seed of ideas to the fertile soil of the imagination, I found the ideas were indeed still there. To that end, I have at least three projects in various stages of completion  which I will talk about soon, two being novels and one a short-story I am working on for an anthology. Now if the hands will only cooperate to tell the story my imagination is growing.

At any rate this blog will be a place where I will not only discuss my own writing projects, but it will serve as a place to discuss the works of some of my writer friends and maybe do a fun interview or two of some of the writers I truly admire. (The B.A. in Journalism needs to be used occasionally afterall,)

I also want to hear from you good folks that take time out of your busy day and kindly come by to peruse my words. If there is something you think should be here that is not please feel free to let me know, and if you like what you see here let me know that too.

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